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Countless Children's Voices


are never heard

We help children who have been murdered find their voices.

And justice.

This project was inspired by the courage of Abigail Williams and Liberty German who were murdered February 13, 2017 in Delphi Indiana. Despite providing law enforcement with audio and video evidence of their murderer, no arrests have been made almost 5 years later. The investigation has been shrouded in secrecy.
The Delphi Voice Project is committed to finding justice for Abby and Libby through legal advocacy, research, education, policy initiatives and investigative journalism. While we do some investigatory work and immensely respect the work and motivations of most people who do, we are not websleuths. Our roles are to mobilize, coordinate, and collaborate. In the past two weeks, we have been rattling cages seeking assistance to have the case opened up to the public. Please join us in solving this case and starting a movement that will focus resources on solving cases of murdered children.

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Tip Line: (844) 459-5786

Indiana State Police: (800) 382-7537

Carroll County Sheriff: (765) 564-2413

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