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Tana McCoy PhD

Director, Delphi Voice Project

Researcher, advocate, educator, writer, consultant

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Conference Presentations


Tana McCoy, Patti Salinas, and Laurie Cashman, “Lock the chastity belt and throw away the key: Community Conservatism and detaining “wayward” girls.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences conference, March 2017


Roundtable Discussion: Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, September 2016


Roundtable Discussion: Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, September 2015


Roundtable Discussion: Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, September 2014


 “Transformational Service Learning in Criminal Justice: From Theory to

Practice” with Lance Hignite, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 2013


Roundtable Discussion: Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, September 2013


“An Examination of Gender Bias in the Detention of Status Offenders” with Patti Salinas, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, September 2012


“Girls Run Wild:  A Comparison of Feminist and Focal Concerns Theories in Explaining Gender Disparities in Sentencing for Driving While Intoxicated Defendants,” Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, September 2011


“She’s an Evil Woman: Seeking Understanding of the Impact of Gender on Misdemeanor DWI Sentencing” with Patti Salinas, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 2011


“There’s Nothing More Repulsive than a Drunk Woman: An Examination of Gender Bias and the Impact of Blood Alcohol Concentration on the Likelihood of a Jail Sentence for Male and Female Driving While Intoxicated Defendants” with Patti Ross Salinas, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, October 2010


“From O.J. to Obama: An Exploration of the Roles of Race and Dog Fighting Attitudes in the Punishment of Michael Vick” with Carla Paguaga, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, October 2010


“Slaying the Leviathan: The Paradox and Challenge of Teaching Entrenched Christian Students of Color” with Patricia Lessane-Williams, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, November 2009


“An Analysis of Support for Classical Criminology Theories in Rap Lyrics” with Amy Proctor, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 2009


“An Examination of Gender Bias in Driving While Intoxicated Cases: Exploring Evil Women and Paternalism” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 2008


 “Placing Status Offenders in Detention: An Examination of Gender and Racial Bias” Southwest Association of Criminal Justice, October 2007


“An Examination of the Impact of Community Context Variables in the Decision to Detain Juveniles” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 2007


“Predicting Detention Decisions for Status Offenders:  An Examination of the Influence of Gender and Offense-type” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 2006


“Gauging the Predictive Ability of Strength of Evidence Variables in Sentencing Research” Southwest Association of Criminal Justice, September 2005


“Death rows: What a Difference Gender Makes” with Patti Salinas, American Society of Criminology, November, 1999


“A Qualitative Examination of Probation Officer Attitudes toward the Minimization of Discretion” Southwest Association of Criminal Justice, October 1999


“Getting Tough on Felony Probationers: A Program Evaluation of Intensive Judicial Intervention” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March, 1999


“The Spectacle of the Karla Faye Tucker Execution: Applying Foucault’s Analysis of the ‘Theatre of Horror’” with Patti Salinas, American Society of Criminology November, 1998


“Exploring the Relationship between Religious Affiliation and Correctional Officer Punitiveness” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 1998


“Death Row for Women:  A Comparison and Contrast Among States” American Society of Criminology, November 1997


“Crack, Strain Theory, and Predicting Gang Membership” American Society of Criminology, November 1996


“The Body Double:  Medicating the Mentally Disordered Inmate” Southwest Association of Criminal Justice Educators, 1994


“Strain Theory and Gangs” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 1993


Other Presentations and Moderations

Presenter, “Service Learning” ACJS/Sage Junior Faculty Teaching Development Workshop, Dallas, Texas, March 2013


“Making Peace with the War on Drugs: Promising Approaches to Reducing Racial Bias in the United States” Moderator, Cradle to College Summit, Mansfield Institute for Social Justice and Transformation, October 2010


“The Effect of Arts Programming on the Self-Esteem of At-Risk Youth” Family and Community Violence Prevention Conference, 2004


“The Execution of Karla Faye Tucker:  An Examination of the Attitudes and Motivations of Supporters, Protestors, and Curiosity-Seekers” The Research Exchange-Educational Leadership and Counseling, Sam Houston State University, April 1999






WGN Television interview with Lourdes Duarte regarding abandoned buildings and crime, August 8, 2013


Radio Interview, Marilyn’s Café Society with Marilyn May, WJOL 1340AM, August 21, 2010


Radio Interview, Interface Radio (CRIS) with Arny Reichler and D. Bradford Hunt, March 29, 2009


Television Interview with Charles Crownson regarding D.B. Cooper highjacking.  

Aired on KTHV Little Rock Wednesday, November 21, 2007.

Aired on CNN Wednesday, November 24, 2007.


Television coverage of presentation regarding Houston juvenile crime trends at the Mayor’s Crime Summit.  Aired on KTRK Houston February, 2003.


Professional Employment


Co-Director and founder


Juvenile Justice Center of Arkansas

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Little Rock, AR 72204


Research Scientist


Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center

Prairie View A&M University

Prairie View, TX 77343


Research Associate


Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center

Prairie View A&M University

Prairie View, TX 77343


Research Analyst


Office of Court Management

Harris County Criminal Courts at Law

Houston, TX 72201


Doctoral Research Fellow


Correctional Management Institute of Texas

College of Criminal Justice

Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, TX 77341


Lead Researcher


Program Evaluation

Project Bright Line

Montgomery County Community Supervision

Conroe, TX 77304


Research Manager


Public Policy Research Institute

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX  77845


Research Fellow


Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Penal Law

Strafrecht Gunterstalstrasse 73

Frieburg, Germany 79100


Relevant Work Experience


2/91-10/93 Juvenile Parole/Aftercare Officer

Ouachita Children's Center

Hot Springs, Arkansas


1/89-3/90 Family Service Worker I

Arkansas Department of Human Services, Montgomery County, Mount Ida, AR

Curriculum Vita




Ph.D., Criminal Justice 2002

Sam Houston State University


Dissertation:  Indigent Defense:  An Application of Conflict Theory in the Analysis of Driving While Intoxicated Cases

Chair:  Dr. W. Wesley Johnson


M.A., Criminal Justice 1998

University of Arkansas at Little Rock


Thesis:  Predicting Gang Membership:  A Comparison of Strain and Social Bond Theories

Chair:  Dr. Jeff Walker


B.A., Sociology 1986

Henderson State University


Academic Employment     


Associate Professor (tenured)


Criminal Justice Department

Evelyn T. Stone College of Professional Studies

Roosevelt University

Chicago, IL 60605


Department Chair


Criminal Justice Department

Evelyn T. Stone College of Professional Studies

Roosevelt University

Chicago, IL 60605


Assistant Professor


Criminal Justice Program

Evelyn T. Stone College of Professional Studies

Roosevelt University

Chicago, IL 60605


Assistant Professor


Department of Criminal Justice

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Little Rock, AR 72204


Doctoral Teaching Fellow


Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, TX 77341




Mitigation Specialist





Professional Training


Comprehensive Training for Capital Defense Attorneys, Mitigation Specialists and Capital Investigators 

Clarence Darrow Death Penalty Defense College

DePaul University School of Law, June 2014


Courses Taught 


Introduction to Criminal Justice


Juvenile Justice


Introduction to Criminology


Crime in America 


Principles of Criminal Behavior


Introduction to Corrections


Community-Based Corrections


Introduction to Policing


Research Methods


Hate Crimes


Serial Murder


Drugs and Society


Study Abroad: London


Study Abroad: Amsterdam


Death Penalty


Senior Seminar


Women and Crime


Academic Communities of Practice


Criminal Justice Internship


Independent Study


Additional Courses Taught


Criminal Justice Statistics


Social Science Statistics


Criminal Justice Research (graduate)


Readings in Criminal Justice


Drugs, Alcohol, and Crime


Race, Gender, and Crime


Understanding Human Behavior




Peer-reviewed Publications


Tana McCoy, Patti Ross Salinas, Jeff Walker & Lance Hignite (2012) “Strength of Evidence Variables:  An Analysis of Predictive Strength in Sentencing Models for DWI Offenders.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 37(4):562-579.


Tana McCoy, Jeff Walker, and H. Elaine Rodney (2012) “Predicting Detention Decisions: An Examination of Family Status and Race.” Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 10(2): 87-107.


Philip A. Ikomi, H. Elaine Rodney and Tana McCoy (2009) “Male Juvenile Sex Offenders:  Are There Racial Differences?” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 18(2):154-173.


Tana McCoy, Patti Ross Salinas, and W. Wesley Johnson (2000) “Attitudes and Motivations of Individuals Assembled at Execution Sites: The Execution of Karla Faye Tucker.” The Justice Professional 12(2):209-221.


Patti Ross Salinas and Tana McCoy (1999) “Management Issues Surrounding Death Row Females.” Corrections Management Quarterly 3(1):89-95.




Tana McCoy, (2013) “Crack Houses” Encyclopedia of Street Crime, Jeffrey Ian Ross (Ed.) Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA


Tana McCoy and Mandi Pugh, (2012) “Strain Theory” Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Jay Albanese and Barbara Sims (Eds). 

Springer Publications: New York


Tana McCoy and Miranda Young (2012) “Project Safeway” Encyclopedia of Community Corrections. Shannon M. Barton Bellessa (Ed.) Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA


Patti Salinas and Tana McCoy (2012) “Victim Impact Statements” Encyclopedia of Community Corrections. Shannon M. Barton Bellessa (Ed.) Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA


Tana McCoy (Summer 2010) “Faculty Essay: Beyond Bars” Roosevelt Review Alumni Magazine.


Tana McCoy (2000) “Probation Officer Safety:  The Results of the National Association of Probation Executives’ Probation Safety Survey.”  Executive Exchange (Summer 2000):4-11.

Tana McCoy, Mary Parker, and Bob Berry (1994). “Meritorious Furloughs:  Arkansas and Fifty States Examined.” Arkansas State Legislature Press: Little Rock.


Works in Progress


Tana McCoy and Patti Salinas, “Lock the chastity belt and throw away the key: Community Conservatism and detaining “wayward” girls.”


Tana McCoy, “Cyber field research: Using Google ‘Street View’ to teach social disorganization to an online criminal justice class.”  


Program Evaluations


Violence Prevention Blueprint, Winnebago/Rockford County Department of Health, Rockford, IL 

County Courts at Law Indigent Defense System, Harris County Texas

Project Bright Line, Montgomery County Circuit Court, Conroe, Texas

Dare to Dream Program, Houston, Texas

Before It’s Too Late Program, Fort Bend County, Texas


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