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Welcome to The Delphi Voice Project

This project is just getting off the ground. I will be adding an area for participation and discussion in the next month. My goal is to get Abby, Libby, their families, and the Delphi community justice through the arrest of a suspect. I'm primarily focused on exploring legal avenues at the moment to ensure their due process rights are posthumously protected. I am specifically focused on getting access to information pertaining to the investigation. I understand law enforcement sometimes needs to keep information private but after five years an independent source should be involved to determine if there is a legitimate law enforcement interest in how evidence has been presented to the public. Secrecy also shields law enforcement from public critique. I feel this may be at the expense of Abby and Libby's due process rights.

Today, I reached out to a legal organization focused on victims' rights and I contacted the Carroll County Comet regarding the possibility of employing a public interest attorney to represent the rights of the Delphi community. I have a lot to do. Please, support this movement by donating to our GoFundMe page. Our budget is presently zero! I hope to devote full-time to this project and to temporarily relocate to Delphi. I can only do that with funding. I am going to seek out pro bono legal representation but there will likely be legal expenses.

There is an investigative element to the project but I think the project from most benefit from advocacy and organizing a movement at this point. However, if any private investigators would like to volunteer their services, please contact me. I have several specific needs that you could help me with regard to James Brian Chadwell.

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